(27) Liberty County People, Places, Positions, and Occupations (1898)
This listing of Liberty County people, places, positions, and occupations was derived from “Georgia State Gazeteer, 1898, J.L. Printing Co., Richmond, Va., 1898.” It is not to be assumed that the listing is complete or even correct in all instances. It is included here only to allow the reader a better understanding of the professional and occupational scope of the county just before the turn of the twentieth century.
Justices of the Peace and Militia Districts:
D.D. James, 15th, Riceboro
J.0. Garrison, 16th, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
J.R. Hardy, 17th, Taylors Creek
R.L. Horne, 24th, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
G.T. Knight. 1132nd, Smiley
T.M. Way, 1359th, Dorchester
J. Anderson, 1458th, Walthourville
B.W. Dyer, 1476th, Fleming
J .E. Warnell, 1543rd (no place listed)
W.E. Edwards, 1544th (no place listed)
Notaries Public, Ex-Officio Justices of the Peace, and Militia Districts:
W.A. Fleming, 15th, Riceboro
J.F. Wheeler, 16th, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
J.I. Daniel, 17th, Taylors Creek
T.J. Chapman, 24th Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
(no name listed), 1132nd, Smiley
(no name listed), 1359th, Dorchester
A.S. Quarterman, 1458th, Walthourville
T.J. Shave, 1476th, Fleming
H.E. Strickland, 1543rd (no place listed)
J.W.H. Hunter, 1544th (no place listed)
Post Offices and Postmasters:
Arcadia, S.B. Trask
Bay View, C.J. Bryant
Beards Creek, Weitman & Bros.
Dorchester, Mrs. K.B. Jones
Easterling (no postmaster listed)
Fleming, N.H. Clark
Flemington, Mrs. M.E.
Trask Gertrude, D.P. Roche
Gum Branch, W.S. Wells
Hinesville, J.M. Caswell
Johnstons Station (Liberty City), J.R. McDuffie
Joselyn, Mrs. K.A. Williams
Lambert. Edward Payson Miller
Limerick (no postmaster listed)
Mclntosh , R.Q. Cassels
Oneida, W.A. Kennedy
Paxton, Mille & Co.
Riceboro, T.J. Edwards
Smiley, D.A. Smiley
Strumbay , S.E. Jones
Sunbury, Elizabeth H. Eve
Swindle (no postmaster listed)
Taylors Creek, Cassels & Hendry
Thebes (no postmaster listed)
Tula, W.E. Edwards
Walthourville, Edward Payson Miller
Artesian Well Drillers:
E.D. Cory, Sunbury
J.G. Hyers, Bay View
H.J. Easterling, Easterling
J.J. Easterling, Easterling
J.L. Andrews, Fleming
Joe Mallard, Fleming
C.B. Scaffe , Fleming
E. Yarbrough, Gum Branch
G.O. Bowie & Bro., Hinesville
J.E. Thiess, Hinesville
Tidwell & Burns, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
J.A. Howard, Joselyn
John A. Howard, Lambert
Joseph Mallard, Limerick
John E. Way, Lambert
Edmond B. Wheeler, Lambert
Davis S. Wells, McIntosh
W.A. Kennedy, Oneida
J. Brown, Riceboro
G. Williamson, Riceboro
J.A. Smiley, Smiley
W.A. Yarbrough, Smiley
E.V. Martin, Taylors Creek
Augustus Law, Thebes
C.W. Parker & Co., Tula
W.D. Bacon, Walthourville
G.A. Gordon, Walthourville
W.W. Mauldin, Walthourville
Carpenters and Builders:
T.S. Wheeler, Gum Branch
J.J. Nesmith , Hinesville
J.C. Hines, Lambert
J.C. Norman, Lambert
Edward Williams, Limerick
J.M. Baggs, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
C.C. Gordon, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
Thomas Dutton, Joselyn
Joe Myers, Riceboro
S.H. Perry, Riceboro
John Long, Smiley
J.C. Norman, Walthourville
Coach and Wagon Manufacturers:
Tidwell & Burns, Lambert
John E. Way, Lambert
Cotton Gins:
Jones & Sons, Arcadia
W. Bacon, Easterling
Frank Easterling, Easterling
Tom Grimes, Easterling
J.L. Andrews, Fleming
W.S. Wells, Gum Branch
E. Yarbrough, Gum Branch and Lambert
William Bacon, Oneida
S.B. Girardeau, Oneida
C.A. Jones & Co., Riceboro
S.L. Bacon, Taylors Creek
I.L. Bird, Taylors Creek
Dr. Capers C. Daniel, Easterling, Taylors Creek, and Lambert
Dr. I. Ham, Easterling
Dr. Charles West Hendry, Hinesville and Lambert
Dr. B.W. Morris, Johnstons Station (Liberty City) and Tula
Turpentine Distillers:
R.W. Hammond, Swindle
H.S. Kelly, Easterling
J.D. Rogers, Fleming
A.L. Winn, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
General Merchandise:
K.B. Jones & Son, Arcadia
L.R. Trask, Arcadia
T.M. May, Arcadia
C.J. Bryant, Bay View
Mrs. K.B. Jones & Son, Dorchester
George F. Reickes & Bro., Dorchester
W.M. Stevens, Dorchester
L.B. Trask, Dorchester
W.H. Dasher, Easterling
Henry Elarbee, Easterling
J. Stubbs, Easterling
Clark & Shave, Fleming
W.W. Gill, Fleming
R.T. Gupton, Fleming
W.T. Lightfoot & Son, Fleming
Mrs. M.E. Trask, Flemington
J.C. Hines, Hinesville
E.C. Miller, Hinesville and Lambert
J.R. Ryon, Hinesville
A.S. Branch, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
E.J. McDonald, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
McKeither & Currier, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
M.T. Rimes & Bros., Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
R.W. Hammond, Josselyn and Swindle
E.P. Miller, Walthourville
A. Lafayette Jones, Lambert
K.A. Williamson, Lambert
W.H. Lee, Limerick
R.Q. Cassels & Sons, McIntosh
W.A. Fraser, McIntosh
H.G. Elarbee & Bro., Oneida
S.B. Girardeau, Oneida
W.A. Kennedy, Oneida
Jerry Smith, Oneida
E.T. Dean, Riceboro
F.S. Lyons, Riceboro
C.A. Stebbins, Riceboro
D.W. Tyson, Riceboro
Williams & Linder, Riceboro
T.E. Grimes & Bro., Smiley
William Kirkland, Smiley
D.A. Smiley & Bros., Smiley
R.S. Hendry, Taylors Creek
B.D. Martin, Taylors Creek
J. Baker, Thebes
A.B. Golden, Thebes
V.H. Morrison, Thebes
R.L. Paige, Thebes
N.D. Rozier, Tula
E.E. Ryals, Tula
W.S. Harden, Walthourville
K.A. Williamson, Walthourville
Dyer & Wilson, Limerick
H. Mallard, Limerick
P. Fraser, Limerick
J.W. Williams, McIntosh
W.E. Edwards, Tula
G.W. Parker & Co., Tula
W.T. Kicklighter, Eastering
C.W. Parker & Co., Tula
Audley King, Sunbury
Mrs. E.M. Trask, Flemington
Caswell Hotel, J .M. Caswell, Hinesville
Magnolia House, A.C. Smith, Hinesville
Mrs. W. Clark, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
C.J. Fletcher, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
N.T. Hewett, Riceboro
Barclay House, J.L. Harden, Walthourville
Insurance Agents:
R.M. Martin, Hinesville and Riceboro
Lampblack Manufacturers:
D.C. Miller, Lambert
H.V. Calder, Fleming
N.J. Norman, Flemington and Riceboro
J .L. Shaw, Gum Branch
S.B. Brewton, Hinesville
Donald Fraser, Hinesville
B.A. Way, Hinesville and Riceboro
T.N. Winn, Hinesville
W.N. Clark, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
Walter A. Way, Lambert and Riceboro
William B. Warnell, Oneida
Livery Stables:
M. Dauney , Hinesville
C.J. McDonald, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
M.T. Rimes, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
J.W. Williams, McIntosh
N.T. Hewett, Riceboro
J.H. King & Co., Thebes
Corn and Flour Mills:
P. Fraser & Co., Fleming and Limerick
E. Yarbrough, Gum Branch
J.B. McCall, Hinesville
George R. Herbert, Lambert
Johnson & O’Bryan, McIntosh
W.J. Bacon, Oneida
S.B. Girardeau, Oneida
McGowen & Co., Riceboro
W.A. Smiley & Bros., Smiley
S.L. Bacon, Taylors Creek
I.L. Bird, Taylors Creek
Jonathan A. Martin, Taylors Creek
J. Laing, Walthourville
G.R. Herbert, Walthourville
Saw Mills:
Weitman & Bro., Beards Creek
J.J. Easterling, Easterling
J .E. Grimes, Easterling
Wells & Bro., Fleming
D.P. Roche, Gertrude
W.S. Wells, Gum Branch
James B. McCall, Hinesville
J.R. McDuffie & Son, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
C.E. Wells, Joselyn
W.J. Ellis, Lambert
W.J. Bacon, Oneida
S.B. Girardeau, Oneida
W.A. Kennedy, Oneida
McGowen & Co., Riceboro
T.E. Grimes, Smiley
D.A. Smiley & Bros., Smiley
J.C. Swindle , Swindle
S.L. Bacon, Taylors Creek
I.L. Bird, Taylors Creek
G.S. Holmes
W.J. Ellis, Walthourville
J.J. Wall, Walthourville
Jonathan M. Easterling, Smiley
Music Teachers:
Jim Bazemore, Easterling
Sallie Shuman, Easterling
Mrs. Etta Calder, Fleming
Laura Martin Fraser, Flemington
Mrs. S.A. Calder, Hinesville
Cora Clark, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
Mrs. S.E. O’Neal, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
Mrs. M.J. Fleming, Lambert
Eva Cassels, Walthourville
J.L. Harden, Walthourville
Naval Stores Manufacturers:
C.J. Bryant, Bay View
S.M. Russ, Bay View
G.W. Freeman, Beards Creek
W.W. Gill, Fleming
D.M. McLane, Fleming
E.P. Miller, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
R.W. Hammond, Josselyn, Riceboro, Swindle, and Walthourville
John T. Hammond, Lambert
W.A. Fraser, McIntosh
S.B. Girardeau, Oneida
W.A. Kennedy, Oneida
H.S. McCallum & co. Oneida
L.F. Dunham, Riceboro
Hewett & Co., Riceboro
V.E.A. Mooney, Taylors Creek
0.J. Olmstead, Taylors Creek
W.E. Edwards, Tula
Liberty County Herald, R.M. Martin, editor and publisher,
Hinesville Southern Home, F.C. Miller, editor and publisher, Walthourville
Dr. W.H. Delk, Bay View
Dr. J.F. McLean, Easterling
Dr. D.W. Boggs, Johnstons Station (Liberty City) and Riceboro
Dr. A.L. Wynn, Johnstons Station (Liberty City) and Riceboro
Dr. K.A. Quarterman, Lambert and Walthourville
Dr. J.D. Rogers, Limerick
Dr. Tillman Hendry, Oneida
Dr. W. Boyd, Riceboro
Dr. A.I. Hendry, Hinesville
Dr. R.S. Hendry, Hinesville
Dr. T.S. Layton, Hinesville
Dr. A.B. Daniel, Taylors Creek
Dr. William R. Eve, Sunbury
Ministers of the Gospel:
Rev. C.J. Bryant, Bay View
Rev. A.B. Strickland, Easterling
Rev. H.S. Andrews, Fleming
Rev. Luther Hubbard, Fleming and Limerick
Rev. D.S. Wells, Fleming
Rev. C.C. Carson, Flemington
Rev. M.F. Beals, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
Rev. G.A. Blount, Lambert
Rev. M. Logan, Lambert
Rev. Jennie Curtis, Thebes
Rev. J.W.H. Hunter, Tula
Rev. R.J. Butler, Walthourville
Rev. M.C. Lofton, Walthourville
Rev. W.H. Mclean, Walthourville
Rev. W.M.C. Conley, Hinesville
Saddles and Harness Maker:
John Lewis, Tula
J.T. Gell, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
Flemington Academy, Mrs. A.E. McDowell, Principal
Dorchester Academy, F.W. Foster, Principal
Thebes Institute, F .R. Sims, Principal
Tula School, A.S. Quarterman, Principal
Walthourville Academy, Miss E. Cassels, Principal
Bradwell Institute, Samuel D. Bradwell, Principal
Liberty Institute, E. Benton, Principal
Stock and Dairy Farms:
Mrs. Hannah Dunham, Sunbury
William Gordon, Lambert
Artemus Dregors, Fleming
W.S. Delk, Smiley
J .M. Smiley, Smiley
Truck Farms:
Edward A. Eve, Sunbury
Charles Davis, Tula
S. Roberts, Thebes
Watchmakers and Jewelers:
W.W. Johns, Johnstons Station (Liberty City)
B.F. Abrams, Walthourville