Susie King Taylor
Susie Baker King Taylor – Georgia Women of Achievement
Susie Baker King Taylor - Georgia Women of Achievement
2019 | Historical marker dedicated to educator, nurse Susie King Taylor of Savannah/Midway
Prepared for the 2nd Annual Susie King Taylor Symposium in Midway, GA February 5, 2018 at 6:00 PM. Many thanks to WSAV's anchorwoman Kim Gusby for her promotional contribution and William Harrell for his Riverrat Production drone videos. The "Producer" of this video is sixteen (16) year old Masai Brimm of Atlanta, Georgia. Link to Video And, of course, many thanks to the Susie King Taylor Symposium Planning Committee: Donald Lovette, Dr. Sonia Bacon, Paulette Robertson, the Liberty County Convention and Visitors Bureau, Liberty County Historical Society, and Dorchester Improvement Association, and many others.
Susie King Taylor: One of the most famous heroines you’ve probably never heard of
For some, the search for knowledge leads to unlikely places. “I came here on this quest looking for something. But what I came looking for was looking for me, too.” That is the case of Hermina Glass Hill– a historian and writer who’s made it her mission to elevate a story she says is seldom told– that of Susie Baker King Taylor. Link to Video “Harriet Tubman I know. Sorjourner Truth. Ida B. Wells I know. But I knew nothing of this incredible Susie Baker King Taylor.” Born into slavery in Liberty County, Taylor made her mark as a civil war laundress, [...]