Darsey, Oliver C. (1879-1941)

Born in Liberty County, son of John Miller and Carrie Daniel Darsey, and grandson of Benjamin Darsey. He was a member of Company C, First Georgia Regiment, commanded by Colonel A.P. Lawton of Savannah, Georgia, during the Spanish-American War. He married Sue Bell Caswell in 1900 and their children were Ouida Darsey, who married Otis Waters; John Dekle Darsey, who married Margaret Browning; Ernest Miller Darsey, who married Faye Richards; Ethelda Darsey, who married James Lee; Eloise Darsey, who married Charles Patterson; Clemen­tine Darsey, who married William Harrison, and Joseph Ben­jamin Darsey, who never married.


He was educated in Liber­ty County schools, and completed his education at Mercer University in Macon, Gerogia. He was admitted to the bar in 1912, and practiced law in Hinesville the rest of his life. He was considered one of the best criminal lawyers in South­east Georgia. He took an active part in Hinesville civic and religious affairs, and was a member of the Hinesville Method­ist Church all of his life. He served as a member of its Board of Stewards, and superintendent of its Sunday school which still bears his name.


He served for many years as a member of the Liberty County Board of Education. He was very active in the annual Taylors Creek Camp Meeting. In 1940 he was employed by the U.S. government in the acquisition of land for the Camp Stewart military reservation. He is bur­ied in Hinesville Cemetery, of which he was the founder.