Entertainment (1938)

Liberty County people found their entertainment in 1938 in church activities, school functions, high school basketball games, carnivals, and tent shows which occasionally played in Hinesville and sometimes in other parts of the county. There were “juke boxes” for dancing in country stores, and restaurants at Flemington and alongside U.S. Highway 17.


Posters were stuck on telephone poles all over the county in the autumn of 1938 advertising a “Halloween Masquerade Dance” to be held October 26, 1938. The dance took place in Muellers Recreation Hall near Ways Station, so called since 1857 when the railroad built a depot on the Way Plantation in Bryan County. A grand prize was awarded to the person wearing the best costume. Slogan for the dance hall was “Give Your Feet a Treat and Meet Your Friends at Muellers.” Max Sutker and his orchestra from Savannah, Georgia, provided mu­sic for dancing, and you can be sure a lot of it was “jitterbug.” The event was sponsored by Woodmen of the World. Price of admission was $1 per person. It was advertised that there would be plenty of “good eats and refreshments” for sale.