Eunice, George Brantley Sr.

Eunice, George Brantley Sr. – Born and reared near Bristol, Pierce County, Georgia, son of Huey Camel Eunice. He graduated from a high school in Waycross, Georgia, and the Agricultural and Mining School at Douglas, Georgia, and was a school teacher in 1913 -1914. He was county farm agent for Coffee County, Georgia, from 1914 to 1919, and then worked as an agricultural agent for a railroad company for four years. For the next four years he was county farm agent for Camden County, Georgia, and for a time was county farm agent for Liberty, Long, Bryan, and Tattnall counties. He retired in 1952 after serving for more than 40 years as county farm agent for Liberty County. He was the last of the first county farm agents in Georgia when he died in 1973.


His wife was Susie Davis, daughter of James Washing­ton and Hester Woods Davis of Pierce County, Georgia. They had eight children. Geraldine Eunice married (1) Henry Hig­genbotham, and (2) Hiram Albert Peterson. La Trelle Eunice married Thomas Clinton Perkins. George B. Eunice Jr. mar­ried (1) Rhea Houston, and (2) Peggy Morgan. Mildred Eunice married Lewis Elwood Hollinger. James Edward Eunice married Joyce Lawrence. Marion Davis Eunice married Joyce Henderson. Marvin Avery Eunice married Jeraldine Ober­schmidt. Shirley Eunice married Richard Charles Cohen, son of Walter and Lois Cohen of Liberty County. Shirley Eunice in 1984 had been an elementary school teacher in Liberty County schools for more than 25 years. George B. Eunice Jr. retired from the U.S. Navy, was postmaster at Fort Stewart, and an employee at the Hinesville post office when he died.