Jones, C.B.

C.B. Jones became a merchant in Riceboro in 1905, and at one time owned stores in Riceboro and Hinesville. He also engaged in farming and forestry. He was a member of the Liberty Independent Troop, and a Select Man of the Midway Society. He was elected a mem­ber of the Liberty County Board of Commissioners in 1918, and in 1920 became its chairman. He was a past president and held a Merit of Honor from the Association of Georgia County Commissioners for 35 years of service as a Liberty County commissioner. He was one of the first depositors in the Hinesville Bank when it was established in 1911.


From “Sweet Land of Liberty, A History of Liberty County, Georgia” by Robert Long Groover; Page(s) 222; Used by the permission of the Liberty County Commissioners Office