Jones, Charles M.

Born September 27, 1930 in Rice­boro, son of Maury B. and Catherine M. Dean Jones, grand­son of W.A. and Kate King Jones and W.B. and Dona Town­send Dean, and a direct descendent of Major John Jones who was killed in combat with British troops at Savannah, Geor­gia, in 1779. He attended Presbyterian College at Clinton, South Carolina, from 1948 to 1950, and then became a member of the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict of 1951 to 1953, during which time he was awarded the Com­bat Infantry Badge. He graduated from the University of Georgia with an LLB degree in 1958, and established a law practice in Hinesville. By 1984 he had emerged as one of the most competent and outstanding attorneys in the history of Liberty County. He married Carole Lilly, daughter of J.W. and Evelyn Hurst Lilly of Hall County, Georgia, and their children are a daughter, Maury, and a son, Jay.


From “Sweet Land of Liberty, A History of Liberty County, Georgia” by Robert Long Groover; Page(s); Used by the permission of the Liberty County Commissioners Office