Moore, Elizabeth B

In 1925, Elizabeth B. Moore began her six-year tenure as Dorchester Academy’s only female, African American principal. She insisted that both parents and community accept responsibility for supporting the school. She believed that charity and tuition breaks should be given only when absolutely necessary. Due to Moore’s efforts, many parents began to recognize the importance of paying tuition and how it would benefit their children. Principal Moore expanded the school’s curriculum to include art appreciation lessons and during her administration the music department greatly improved. She encouraged the children to take pride in their accomplishments by increasing the number of student presentations given to the public. In 1927, Moore added fifteen minutes of physical education to the children’s daily routine.


With the addition of a science department in 1930, Dorchester Academy achieved accreditation. The growing success of the students under Moore’s administration was so great that neighboring schools and colleges began to visit Dorchester Academy to recruit students for further education. More created the Dorchester Academy Alumni Association and revitalized the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA). Principal Elizabeth B. Moore unfortunately died suddently and unexpectedly in 1932. She touched the lives of many students and helped them set high goals for their futures.



From the Historical Marker located at Dorchester Academy, Midway, Georgia, in Liberty County. Marker is on East Oglethorpe Highway (U.S. 84) near Lewis Frasier Road. Marker is at or near this postal address: 8787 East Oglethorpe Highway, Midway GA 31320, United States of America. Erected by the City of Flemington 2004.